Sunshine (Play Group)
We focus on the development of friendship, self-esteem, and curiosity. Our activities will challenge and develop your child’s creativity, imagination, thinking skills, and social skills. Our Preschool Program is designed so that the students spend their days participating in a structured, yet fun curriculum. Some of the daily activities are reading, writing, math, motor skill development, language development, social skill development and physical activities. Children will learn the basic skills that will provide them with the foundation for entry into the Pre-K program. The Teacher creates weekly lesson plans with different themes that will engage the children in a wide variety of subjects.
View the Classroom
- Initial Settlement of the kid outside the home.
- Develop tuning in and discussing two syllable words and two word sentences.
- Learning English as a new language.
- Exploration of letters, Numbers, primary shapes and colours.
- Development of cognitive skills.
- Development of fine and gross physical motor skills.
- Develop perception through sensorial exercises.
Activities involved
- Water/sand play
- Finger/thumb/hand/vegetable prints
- Beads spiral
- Shape matching
- Art and craft
- Sensory time
- Rhythm/Story time
- Simple Puzzles
- Sorting/Sequencing
- Tearing and pasting